We only have one world...
...And I feel it is vitally important we are kind to it and
show it as much love and respect as we can.
Sustainability is something that is very important to me as a small business and I am striving to be as plastic free and responsible as I can. Cake decorating is an incredibly plastic heavy business and it is impossible to be completely plastic free without seriously compromising on quality and food safety aspects. But, there are plenty of changes we can make to minimise the waste and single use elements of my business.
Below, are some of the changes I have made so far:
It is in no way an exhaustive list and is something I am constantly updating and improving on.
Eco cake boards. Standard cake boards are usually filled with polystyrene, which are often just thrown in the bin by clients after they have eaten the cake. I now use Eco boards made of dense cardboard. They aren't always suitable for larger, heavier or tiered cakes but they are a great alternative when appropriate.
Compostable packaging. The card cake boxes are fab to use but I can now add to this collection by using compostable cellophane windows in the biscuit and cupcake boxes I use. I now have compostable packaging for all my display boxes which is fabulous, and something I am actually very proud of. I also use compostable cellophane packets for individually wrapped biscuits. Combined with card inserts, my logo stamp and eco friendly stickers, these look really pretty as party favours or wedding place settings.
Labeling and logos Designing a logo that was simple enough to be made into a rubber stamp was a really important concept for me. I wanted to have the ability to make my packaging look personal and professional but still give me the choice to shop around for the best packaging. The stamp means I can personalise my boxes and still choose the best eco options from local businesses. It also gives me the freedom to change something or trial a new product and packaging, and still keep my brand continuity. My labels are also printed by a lovely local company who provide eco friendly stickers without the plastic backing,
Compostable cellophane. Finished cakes are often too tall to fit in the cardboard boxes without damaging the designs. I use a compostable eco wrap to cover the front of the cake to protect it and keep it clean. I have seen many beautiful plastic boxes with luscious bows and ribbons that give a lovely luxury look and feel to the cakes but I believe that, until I can find a reasonably prices compostable option, it is something I will just have to go without for a little while longer.
Piping bags I have now found a regular supplier for compostable piping bags and I have them in several sizes so they are not wasted. They are sturdy, durable and I love them.
Paper tape I refuse to buy cellotape, and have done for a long time. I use paper tape instead. I do get the pretty patterned ones but I am looking forward to more companies supplying pretty colours and nice patterns so they aren't always brown! I do feel this can be a little jarring with the luxury image I would like to portray but, again, it is a compromise I am willing to accept with the end goal of sustainability in mind.
Refill shops Where possible I always try to use refill shops to fill up on cleaning products and I love to stock up on some store cupboard essentials while I am there.
Ribbons A pretty ribbon around a cake board always looks so much better and it is really important for a wedding cake that a cake board is completely covered. ... but, until I can find a reliable source of a more sustainable style of ribbon, I limit the use of these to just wedding cakes at the moment.
The sad fact is that, currently, the eco conscious options are often way more expensive and a lot harder to get hold of than the cheaper plastic alternatives. I feel it is a cost worth investing in though. Some costs I can pass on a little bit extra to customers, others I just have to swallow as a small business and look at the bigger picture. There are always going to be choices to make in any small business, it is important we try to make the right choices where we can.
Supporting valuable charities.
In January 2022 and again in October 2023, Philippa's cakes supported Cycle for change -James as he raised money for the World Land Trust, raising funds to purchase, protect and preserve rain forest in Guatemala and Colombia, respectively. I thoroughly enjoyed supporting such a fantastic charity, raising over £200 to go towards James's total of over £10,000. This all went to the World Land Trust and helped them achieve their set targets for their projects.
I hope some of these ideas and examples have given you either some faith in my business that I am trying my best to make my own, all be it very small, positive impact on the planet and maybe even some inspiration to adapt a few little things in your own life to make a difference where you can.
If you know of any other ways I can make more changes in such a plastic heavy and single use industry, I am always keen to hear from you.
If you are interested in discussing any orders for cakes for your event, then please do get in touch to check my availability and I would love to discuss some design options with you.
Thanks for reading,
Wow I hadn’t thought of just how much products for your business aren’t recyclable.
This is very eye opening and I would love to use paper tape. Definitely going to look into this!
Good luck